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Oral Papers

  1. Bio Nanotechnology Based AOP-Bioremediation Integrated Approach for Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Treatment.   

  2.  The Novel Process for Separation of Water and Sediments from ETP Slop Oil.

  3.  Zeolite Catalysts for Refining and Petrochemicals.

  4.  Foam Assisted Oil Well Activation.

  5.  Synthesis and Characterization of Air Separation Grade Zeolite-X for Adsorption and Separation Applications.      

  6.  Experimental Investigation on Wax Deposition and It’s Mitigation Methods of Waxy Oil From KG-DWN- 98/2-Field in KG-Basin.   

  7.  Corrosion Analysis of Gasoline Methanol Blends on Metals: Implications for Material Longevity and Reliability.                

  8.  Designing of Viscous and Non-Viscous Testing / Completion / Work Over Fluids with Drill site Waste Water.    

  9.  Challenges in Carbonate Reservoirs for EOR: Causes and Remedial Strategies Involving Surfactants.

  10.  Zero Liquid Discharge: Advancements and Challenges in Refinery Liquid Management.           

  11.  Mitigation/Management of Gas Hydrate Deposition and Corrosion Problems of Oil and Gas Pipelines with a Single Chemical Injection.    

  12.  Feasibility Study of PGS and HT Starch as Fluid Loss Control Agents in Gel Polymer and KCl- PHPA Drilling Fluid System as Alternative to PAC (LVG).

  13.  Catalytic Cracking of Crude Oil storage Tank Sludge to recover Valuable Hydrocarbons.           

  14.  Sustainable Transformation of Plastic Arenes to Fine Chemicals with Visible Light.

  15.  Towards Sustainable Drilling Practices: Eco-friendly Solvents for Aluminium Stearate and Spotting Fluids as Alternatives to Conventional Solvents.     

  16.  Digital Refinery: Leveraging Industry 4.0 for Modernization.     

  17.  Nano silica as a Multifunctional Additive Enhancing Cement Performance in Coalbed Methane Wells.

  18.  Enhancing Zonal Isolation: A Comprehensive Analysis and role of Expanding Additives in Cement Bonding with Case Study.

  19.  Exploring the role of Cement Additives on Diverse Cement Formulations within Indian Energy Sector.

  20.  Xanthan Gum and Guar Gum Biopolymers: A Review of Applications in Petroleum Industry.

  21.  Modeling of Mathematical Criterion for Interfacial Energy Instability in Liquid–Liquid Ternary Systems using Machine Learning.

  22.  Novel Lubricating Formulations to Reduce the Coefficient of Friction COF in Water-based muds (WBM) for Improved Drilling Applications.   

  23.  Strategic Planning and Robust designing of Drilling fluids Enables to Tackle Narrow Drilling Window along with Early-kick Management in Exploratory Gas Wells at ONGC Tripura Asset.           

  24.  An Innovative Approach of using Waste-deoiled Cakes in the Preparation of Ceramic Membranes for Microfiltration Applications.

  25.  Green Synthesis of Levulinic Acid from Luffa Cylindrica using Hydrothermal Liquefaction. 

  26.  Chloride free Environment Friendly Shale Inhibitor for Acid Stimulation Operations.

  27.  Successful Field Implementation of Clear Brine Fluids (CBFS) for Higher Specific Gravity 1st Time in Gas Wells of ONGC, Tripura – Case Histories.      

  28.  Novel Additized Solvent Package for Defouling Adamant Asphaltenic Deposits in Process Units and Storage Facilities.

  29.  Development of Leak Detector Formulation for Gas Tubings.    

  30.  Separation and Detection of Fluorinated Aromatic Carboxylic Acids using Automated SPE and GC-MS/MS for Tracer Studies.   

  31.  Chelation Guided Acid (CGA) for Effective Stimulation of Sandstone Reservoirs.       

  32.  Imidazole-based Corrosion Inhibitor for High Saline, High Water cut, Gas Producing field in KG-PG Basin, Rajahmundry, India.        

  33.  Indigenous Waste Plastic Remediation by Rational Chemical Strategy: 100% Conversion and Further Utilization in Wastewater Treatment, Oxygen, And Solar Harvesting.                  

  34.  Troubleshooting Compressor Lubrication Issue at GNFC WNA-II Plant Bharuch A Case Study.

  35.  A Case Study on Effect of Flow Improver/PPD on Rheological Properties of the M field Crude of KG-DWN-98/2.     

  36.  “HaLaLp” (High aromatic, Low asphaltene and Light paraffinic) Crude Oil could be a Partial Replacement of Conventional Solvents to Dissolution of Organic Deposit in Tubular and Flow Line.

  37.  Impact of Instantaneous Desorption and Time-Dependent Desorption on A Semi-Steady State Flow Equation for CBM Producing Well.     

  38.  Strategy for Improved De-Salter Performance & Successful Usage of Inhouse Developed De-Emulsifier, De-Watering and De-Salting Chemical.    

  39.  Combating Groundwater Pollution in Kuwait: The Role of Nano Curcumin Zinc Complex in Microbial Control.

  40.  Agricultural Waste-Derived Activated Carbons for Gas Separation.      

  41.  A Comparative Experimental Research of Inorganic vs. Organic Crosslinked Gel Systems for Water Plugging Treatments for Moderate to High Temperature Reservoirs.

  42.  Influence of Functionalized Alkyl Methacrylate−maleic Anhydride Copolymer as Flow Improver on the Crystallization and Rheology of Waxy Oils.      

  43.  Citizen Science and its use in Oil and Gas industry- a review.     

  44.  Advances in Surfactant-Polymer Flooding for Enhanced Oil Recovery in Indian Oilfields: Current Status and Future Prospects.

  45. Advancements in Demetallization Technology for Hydrocarbon Waste Treatment: Case Studies and Process Engineering Insights.

  46.  Enhanced Thermal Efficiency Achieved with Xcite, an Enzyme Fuel Treatment Technology for Large Marine Diesel Engines.

  47.  CAS's database for exploring the depth of Oil & Gas Chemistry, Chemicals and Additives

  48.  Amine-based corrosion inhibitor for GSU at On-shore Gas Terminal (OGT) in KG-PG Basin, India.

  49.  Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Thermococcus petroboostus sp. nov. 101C5: A Promising Candidate for Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery.

  50.  Design and Development of efficient corrosion inhibitor for application in acidizing process of petroleum oil wells to enhance the oil production

  51.  Reality of Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) in Landlocked Refinery: Industries trapped in vicious cycle of wastewater

  52.  Engineering Breakthroughs in Oil Spill Clean-up: The CF@MF Sponge Approach

  53.  Waste frying oil-derived carbon nano onions: Performance assessment for dye removal in wastewater

  54.  Futuristic Green Hydrogen from Biomass: Advanced Deep Tech Technology & Catalysis

  55.  Second Generation (2G) Ethanol Bio-Plants: Troubleshooting with Novel Distillation Tray Aspects

  56.  State-of-the-art methodology for determination of trace level of elemental sulfur in Aviation Fuel by Polarograph

  57.  Establishing 4100MH Grade Polymer in Indian Market

  58.  Dihydrolevoglycosenone as a Novel Bio-based Nanofluid for Thermal Energy Storage: Physiochemical and Quantum Chemical Insights

  59.  Improving Energy Efficiency by In-House Modification of Heat Exchange system in Delayed Coker Unit

  60.  Experimental Investigation of a Novel Nanocomposite Preformed Particle Gel for Water Shutoff Treatment in Heterogeneous Reservoirs.

  61.  Synthesis, Characterization and Performance Evaluation of Graphene Oxide Grafted Polyacrylamide (GO-g-PAM) as a Novel Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitor for THF-hydrates System using Low-Temperature Differential Scanning Calorimetry Studies

  62.  Lignin-Based Biocomposites: A Sustainable Material Solution


Poster Paper

  1. Pyrolysis of Erythrina indica biomass with Ni/γ-Al 2 O 3 Catalyst and Comprehensive Characterization of their products.    

  2. Kinetic and Thermodynamic Analysis of Co-Pyrolysis of Polyalthia Longifolia and Polypropylene Waste using Deconvolution Method.

  3. Influence of Functionalized Alkyl Methacrylate−maleic Anhydride Copolymer as Flow Improver on the Crystallization and Rheology of Waxy Oils    

  4. An Integrated Approach for Captivating the Edge of bi-functional MoO3-x Species for Efficient Biogas Reforming.    

  5. Thermal CO2 Reduction to CO Via Reverse Water Gas Shift Reaction over Non-Noble Metal-Based Catalyst Systems.

  6. Decolorization of Cashew Nut Shell Liquid (CNSL): An Innovative Purification Technique with Kaolin Clays.

  7. Visible Light Photoredox Catalysis: A Sustainable Approach For Arenes To Fine Chemicals

  8. Floating Sorbent for Efficient Dye Adsorption and Reusability in Water Treatment Applications

  9. Cost Effective separation of CO2from Industrial Gases using Nanocellulose and Ionic Liquid Based Mixed Matrix Membrane.    

  10. Biomaterial based Cellulose Acetate Electrospun Nanofiber Membrane for Removal of Heavy Metals from Wastewater.    

  11. Poly(ethylene terephthalate) based Photocatalytic Membrane to Control the Antifouling behaviour of Polymeric Membrane for Wastewater Treatment.    

  12. Designing of Optical Sensing Film from Bioresource Based Chemical Platform for Detection of Heavy Metal Ions in Water.    

  13. Biodegradable Food Packaging Film: An Intelligent Way to Reduced Food Waste.    

  14. Biological Additives in Rigid Pavements- A Comprehensive Review.

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